Do Flame Retardants in Mattresses Protect You in a Fire?

This Documentary from 2013 inspired me to grow my business. Where is the proof that flame retardants help to keep us safe from fire?  Who is out there making sure they are safe to sleep on? Who are we listening to when someone makes a claim that they do? 

Could it be the lobbyists in Washington who are funded by the Chemical Industry?

As I look at the sources of the websites that try to debunk the information presented in this documentary the picture comes pretty clear. 

Be aware there are still Front Groups feeding us information that only benefits the Chemical Industry.  This is not something that happened back in the 70's, it is still happening today.

A good practice is to look at the location of the source.  If it is Washington DC it could be a lobbyist firm 

This is what a Front Group looks like:

Reprinted from 

Consumer advocate Ralph Nader once said of ACSH,

A consumer group is an organization which advocates the interests of unrepresented consumers and must either maintain its own intellectual independence or be directly accountable to its membership. In contrast, ACSH is a consumer front organization for its business backers. It has seized the language and style of the existing consumer organizations, but its real purpose, you might say, is to glove the hand that feeds it.






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